Friday, 3 October 2014

Alone...or Lonely?

A lot of my time is spent alone - I'm a rep/work from home so that's to be expected really. Usually it's not an issue, I like my own company. After all, if I don't like spending time with me how can I expect anyone else (friends etc) to want to? I run alone for the majority of the time as well - it's a mixture of my own headspace, and wanting to go at my pace. During the day I have music for company, get plenty of phone calls from the office and clients, go out to meetings, then Miss G. arrives home and the house is full of noise and laughter.

This week I've been lonely.

A combination of a quieter week at work, so less calls and only one meeting (for an hour), a heavier training load as I build towards my next race, meaning I've been out every night this week, and Miss G. being so busy getting her new class sorted that every night she's worked until at least 9pm means the evenings have been as quiet as the days. My music has still been alongside me - but it seems to have magnified the loneliness - when I wanted to share it with the world there was no-one to listen.

I'm immensely proud of the effort Miss G. is putting into her new job. Our move north has re-affirmed her love of teaching, and her ability. It's also re-affirmed my love of running, I've trained more in the last month than any previous month in the last two years.

It's still possible to be lonely though.

Tonight things will change though, two different sets of old friends visiting over the course of the weekend, and Miss G. keeping weekends clear for us - the new house will be full of noise and laughter again.

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